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15 September 2008

Abacaxi Obrigado*

Thank you my computer in the office, Thank you sketch book, Thank you my cup, Thank you the corner of the room, Thank you people who I met in my trip, Thank you capoeira, Thank you bebe, Thank you savassi, Thank you rodoviaria, Thank you the girl from bread shop, Thank you my sickness, Thank you sky from office, Thank you Nihao, Thank you books from office, Thank you rice and beans, Thank you Verde Mar, Thank you estudio breder team!! Life needs experience. That makes you grow and smarter. "Hyakubun ha ikken ni shikazu" (It is better to look with your own eyes than listening to a hundred accounts from others.)

お魚さん、ありがとう。オフィスで使わしてもらったコンピューターありがとう。コップありがとう。部屋の角ありがとう。旅で会った人々ありがとう。カポエラありがとう。ベベありがとう。サバッシ大好きでした。ホドビアリアありがとう。パン屋のおねいさんありがとう。風邪をひいたよ。オフィスからの空、ありがとう。日本食レストラン 'にーはお' ありがとう。オフィスの本たちありがとう。ライスアンドビーンズありがとう。ベジマーありがとう。estudio breder teamありがとう!人生には何事よりも経験が一番ですね。百聞は一見に如かず。世の中のことが何でもわかってるふうに、しったかすんじゃねー。

*Abacaxi Obrigado is the joke between us. Marcos Breder thought it is good saying this phrase for defending from strangers in Brazil, because of decent pronaunciation of me speaking Abacaxi(pineapple) and Obrigado(thank you) in portuguese. We start using this phrase a lot in everyday.

Mai Ichimura

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