The methodology utilized at the Estudio Breder is based mainly on the freedom of creation through drawing. Many of the solutions, for a specific project or a new concept of use or utilization of a new material come up in this phase. The creation moment through drawing can occur in several places. One of the most inspiring moments is the professor meetings at FUMEC University due to the duration of the meetings and the discussion of several themes (and off course, at a design school the drawings are very welcome, even at a professor meeting). Some of these drawings will be shown in this space; they were conceived during theses meetings and during other ones too. Some of these drawings have already presented a kind of “product in the air sensation”, and some others are just random artistic manifestations (but not less important). Several drawing techniques are utilized, some using pasting and some using other interventions. Most of the drawings are made using just a black pen and couche paper.
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